How to create a WordPress website as a beginner

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check out 

– What a website is
– The different types of websites on the internet
– What WordPress is
– How to create a WordPress website or blog as a beginner

What is a website?

A website is a collection of web pages and related content that are published on the internet. Websites are used for news, education, and ecommerce.

What types of websites are available?

There are three types of websites available:

1. Basic websites
2. Dynamic websites
3. Ecommerce websites

What do you need to build your own website?

To build your own website, you will need:

– A domain
– Hosting

What is a domain?

A domain is a part of a web address that helps you find a website.

Where can you buy your first domain?

You can buy your first domain from the following places:

– GoDaddy
– Big Rock
– Namecheap
– Bluehost
– Hostinger

What is hosting on a website?

Web hosting, also known as website hosting, is servers that allow users to store and maintain website files and applications on the server. This makes websites accessible on the internet.

Where can you buy hosting as a beginner?

As a beginner, you can buy hosting from the following places:

– Bluehost
– Hostinger
– Hostgator
– Dreamhost

For beginners, it is recommended to start with a shared hosting plan.

How do domain and hosting connect?

After purchasing your domain and hosting, you need to connect them with the DNS settings. If you buy from the same company, you don’t need to connect them. However, if you buy the domain from one company and hosting from another, you need to connect them using DNS settings. After purchasing hosting, you will receive name server information. You need to update the name server in the domain section of your GoDaddy account. After around 2 hours, your domain will be connected to your hosting.

How to install WordPress on a server?

After connecting your domain and hosting, you need to install WordPress software on your hosting panel. Set a login password and user ID. Remember these details. Then, login to your WordPress website by typing your website URL followed by “/admin”. Enter your user ID and password.

How to find and install a WordPress theme?

You can find and install a WordPress theme by going to the theme section in your WordPress dashboard. There are both free and paid themes available. Choose the one you like and install it. Then, create your own pages such as Home, About Us, and Contact Us. Publish them.

What are WordPress plugins?

WordPress plugins are like mobile apps that allow you to add new features to your website or blog.

What are some commonly used WordPress plugins?

Some commonly used WordPress plugins are:

– Elementor plugin: Helps in building and customizing web pages or posts.
– All in One SEO plugin: Helps in ranking your website on search engines like Google or Bing.
– WP Rocket plugin: Helps in cleaning caches on your website.
– WooCommerce plugin: Helps in creating your ecommerce store.

Publish your WordPress website or blog.

Before going live, check the preview of your website to ensure everything looks good. Remove any placeholder or under construction pages and make your website live for people around the world to see.