If you’re reading this article, you’re looking to promote your product or service on online ad platforms, but Facebook ads vs google ads which is better for beginner you have no idea where to start. Should you promote your product or service on Facebook or Google Ads, or should you use other ad platforms? You have a lot of questions in mind, such as where you can get the best return on investment (ROI) for your product or service. Here, you will find answers to all your questions.

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As I know you’re reading this article, you’re a complete beginner. So, first, let’s start with what Facebook and Google Ads are, how to create an account on these platforms, and then we will teach you how to set up a campaign on both platforms and run your ads. After that, you can use the information as per your campaign needs.

How to Start Facebook Ads: A Beginner’s Guide

You know that Facebook has around 2.11 billion active users every month. That means you can target anyone in the world, any gender, any age group, or any specific category you want. Do you know what that means? If you spend $100 on ads, you can get a $900 return, which means a 9% ROI. That’s great, right? Let’s start by setting up a Facebook Ads account and running ads on Facebook.

Getting Started with Facebook Ads Account

To create a Facebook Ads account, you need to log in to your Facebook Business Manager account. In this center, you can create and handle all your ads. Then, create your Facebook business page to create ads.

Starting a Campaign

Before starting a campaign, we have to choose our goal. This helps us get what we want, such as brand awareness, reach, more website traffic, or sales.

Target AudienceOn Facebook, we can choose our target audience based on age, gender, demographics, hobbies, or job profiles. For example, if you have a women’s clothing shop, your target audience is women’s rights.

Ads Formats

Facebook offers a lot of ad options, such as videos, image ads, carousels, etc., to effectively showcase your product or service.

Setting Your Ads Budget

Choosing the right budget for your ads is crucial as a beginner. You can choose a daily budget or a lifetime budget. You can increase or decrease the budget based on the performance of your ads.

Ads Placement

You can control the placement of your ads on the Facebook platform. You can choose to show your ads on Facebook feed, Instagram, or Messenger.

Tracking Facebook Ads or Optimizations

Facebook Pixel is a simple code that you need to install on your website. With this code, you can track conversions on your website and retarget them on Facebook.

Testing and Iterating

A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad elements, such as copy, visuals, and targeting, to identify what resonates best with your audience.
Learn and Adapt: Stay updated with Facebook’s best practices, new features, and industry trends to stay ahead in the advertising landscape.

How to Use Google Ads as a Beginner

You know that every day, 8.8 billion searches happen on Google. This is where we can find our potential audience. For example, if you’re selling budget mobile phones online, you can place your ads on Google search with the keyword “budget mobile.”

Google Ads

Google Ads work on a pay-per-click model, where you can bid on keywords for placement on Google search pages.

Setting up a Campaign

Google offers different types of campaigns, such as search network ads, shopping ads, video ads, and more. As a beginner, we recommend starting with a search network campaign.
Ads Goal: Choose your goal, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads for your business, or driving sales.
Targeting: You can target specific audiences based on location, language, and device.

Keyword Research

Use Google Keyword Planner tool to identify related keywords for your business. Focus on keywords that reflect your product or service and have decent search volume.

Creating Compelling Ad Copy

Craft attention-grabbing headlines that highlight your unique selling proposition (USP).
Use persuasive language to describe your offering and encourage clicks.
Enhance your ads with extensions like site links, callouts, and structured snippets to provide additional information.

Setting up Budget

Determine your daily budget to control spending. Start with conversion ads and adjust based on performance.
Choose a bidding strategy that aligns with your goals, such as manual CPC, enhanced CPC, target CPA, or target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

Tracking Ads Performance

Use Google Analytics to track your website’s performance. You can track metrics such as sign-ups and sales to measure the effectiveness of your ads.
ROI: Measure the return on investment for your Google Ads spend.

Ads Testing

A/B Testing: This testing helps you identify which ads perform better for your campaign, resulting in better results.
You can run two campaigns on one URL to determine which ads

In this, you will get to know how to run Facebook ads and Google ads. It will tell you both and compare which one is better for you.

Choose between both of them:

In simple words, you can choose the type of business you are running. For example, if you are running a dropshipping store, you can choose Google Ads. In the beginning, Facebook ads are better for increasing brand awareness on social media and showcasing what your brand does. This will help your long-term business generate more sales.

Both ad platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are familiar with Google Ads, it is recommended to start running ads on that platform. However, Google Ads can be more challenging compared to Facebook ads. Running ads on the Facebook platform is generally easier compared to Google Ads.

Google ads: If you want to run ads on Google, you have to add $500. On Facebook, you can start with 85 ads.

In the end, there is no one single answer to which platform you have to use. These platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. So my advice is to start with Facebook ads. This platform is simple to use and the process of running ads is very simple. You just have to post any post on a Facebook page with a simple boost that converts into an ad for a campaig